ySOL and yUSD Tokens
When you stake an asset to a Synatra Pool, you will receive a receipt token that provides a claim to a share of the pool along with its yield.
ySOL Token
ySOL is the receipt token to claim your SOL from the Synthetic Staking for SOL pool. Token Supply is based on the amount of staked SOL. Token address: yso11zxLbHA3wBJ9HAtVu6wnesqz9A2qxnhxanasZ4N
Stakers in Phase I were airdropped ySOL at a rate of 1 ySOL per 1 SOL deposited. Future stakes were based on the share value at the time of deposit.
yUSD Token
yUSD is the receipt token to claim your USDC from the Synthetic Staking for USDC pool. Token Supply is based on the amount of staked USDC. Token address: yUSDX7W89jXWn4zzDPLnhykDymSjQSmpaJ8e4fjC1fg
Initial stakers were airdropped yUSD at a rate of 1 yUSDC per 1 USDC deposited. Future stakes were based on the share value at the time of deposit.
Last updated